This calculator shows all the work and steps for long division. You just need to enter the dividend and divisor values. Step by step solution for 15/6Algebra -> Numeric Fractions Calculators, Lesson and Practice -> SOLUTION: 15 divided by 6 2/3=. Question 183976: 15 divided by 6 2/3= Answer by checkley77(12844) (Show Source)That has no solution because when divided by 30 it has remainder 15n + 2 and remainder 6m + 1 and there is not such possible remainder. What is the smallest positive integer that gives the remainder 5 when divided by 6. It is something that can be written as $(6n+5)$.The trick is to get rid of the decimal point from the number we are dividing by. How? We can "shift the decimal point" out of the way by multiplying by 10, as many times as we need to. But we must do the same thing to both numbers in the division. Example: 15 divided by all show all steps. What is -60 divided by -15?
SOLUTION: 15 divided by 6 2/3
15 divided by 2 isn't a whole number. If the calculator is showing a fraction and you want to see it as a number, press the S--D key to switch between symbolic and decimal values. Since 60 can be divided evenly by 15, then let's start there: 15 divided by 15 is equal to 1. (correct?)Long division with remainder: 15 | 6. How to do division. Here is the answer to questions like: What is 15 divided by 6 or long division with remainders: 15/6.?when n Is divided by 6, the remainder is obtained as 4 2n The remainder will be divided by 6. Similar Questions Asked By Users. What quotient is equal to 3 3/4 3 divided by 4 12 divided by 3 15 divided by 4 4 divided by 15.When you divide by a fraction, it's the same as multiplying by its reciprocal. 10 -6. You can cancel the -9 and the -6 by dividing by -3.

elementary number theory - Smallest positive integer that gives...
then 15, the number on the right of the division sign ÷ , is called the divisor. It is the number we have to multiply to get 60. 60 is called the dividend; it is the number being divided by 15.Statement 1: n is multiple of 5 Let's TEST some values. There are several values of n that satisfy statement 1. Here are two: Case a: n = 10. In this case, the answer to the target question is the remainder is 4 when n is divided by 6 Case b: n = 15.Then we divide it with 6 as per the question 30 so 30 ÷ 6 =5 we get the answer 5. Therefore the number we will take is 15 if added 15 we get In the above problem, The final answer is 5 which was divided by 6 . That means the the dividend is 5*6 =30 . Again we added 15 to get the dividend (30).Use the remainder calculator to find the quotient and remainder of division. This quotient and remainder calculator helps you divide any number by an integer and calculate the result in the form of integers.PREVIOUS 4 divided by 3 4.
Question and solution
15 divided (*15*) 6 2/3
15 divided (*15*) 6 2/3 is 2 1/4. Solution: 15 * 3/20 = 45/20 = 2 5/20 = 2 1/4
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