The Government and the State Bank spent years strengthening the nation's economy but the recession and slowdown shattered it, so we are back to square one. The local authorities had repaired the roads a few month ago, but heavy rains damaged them again, so we are back to square one.The idiom 'back to square one' means to make a fresh start again. It means doing something from the initial point after an attempt has failed. We went back to square one on our hiking trip, since we took a wrong turn. Is this just another example? It did happen! That's why I was so late today!• BACK TO SQUARE ONE - essential phrase - English Vocabulary. Interpolate Interpolation - Interpolate Meaning - Interpolate Examples - Formal English Vocabulary.What does the idiom 'Back to square one' mean? If you are back to square one, you have to start from the beginning again.If you are back to square one, you have to start dealing with something from the beginning again because the way you were dealing with it has failed. We got a phone call from the lawyers and it was back to square one. See full dictionary entry for square.
Back to square one — Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2
Possibly from either of the children's games hopscotch or snakes and ladders. back to square one (not comparable). (idiomatic) Located back at the start, as after a dead end or failure. After spending six hours on the intake we realized that there was nothing wrong with it, so we are back to square one.The meaning of 'back to square one' is to go back to the beginning. We talked about potential locations for hours, but our discussion took us nowhere and now we're back at square one. Maybe we'll try the island of Maui, since it has beautiful scenery and it also fits within our budget."Back to square one" is a phrase that means "to go back to the beginning, after a dead-end or failure". It can also refer to: Square One (puzzle), also called "Back to Square One". Back to Square One (film), a 1994 German film. Square One (disambiguation).More slang meanings / definitions of Back to square one is slang for at the beginning of the process again. or words, sentences containing Back Slang Meaning of Square meal. Square meal means: Square wooden trencher plates were used on-board ships as they didn't slide around as easily as...

Back to Square One . Back to Square One Meaning... - YouTube
I wonder if the expression ' go back to square one' can be used in the following context. I understand what it means but not sure when to use it exactly... back to square one. Thread starter halmom. Start date Aug 14, 2015.This first square is called square one, and, in board games, going back to square one literally means to go back to the beginning. Examples of Back to Square One. Here is an example of the idiom being used by two college friends who are discussing a class project they are working on.These examples will make the meaning of this phrase easy to understand... My sister's divorce was just finalized and she's really having a hard time being back to square one at 42 years old. I've been trying to de-clutter the house but every time I make progress, someone dumps a bunch of stuff into...If you go back to square one you go back to where you started, having made no progress. An idiom is a word or phrase that is not taken literally. An idiom is an expression that cannot be understood from the meanings of its individual words, but has a separate meaning of its own.Learn More about go back to square one. What made you want to look up go back to square one? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). What is an earlier meaning of nice?
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Back to Square One - Phrase Meaning, Idiom Origins

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'Back to square one' - meaning and origin.

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There Is No Such Thing as Going Back to Square One

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Poor POISE-2 Results Mean It's Back to Square One

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