Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The Difference Of A Number And Five? - Answers

Difference between 3 and x. 3-x. Twice a number. 2x. Five times the difference of a 5(x - 4) number and 4.dasetka dasetka. Twice (2 ·) the difference (subtraction) of a number (n) and 5. 2 (n - 5).12 more than twice a number use the variable n to represent the unknown number. Twice a number n less than 3 2433842. Write Equations And Inequalities Example 1 A The Difference Of.Twice the difference of 1 and a number See answer rheyamarie is waiting for your help. In everyday usage, the difference between two numbers is always thought of as being a positive number. So the difference of 8 and 3 is 5, and the difference …2. A number of suggestions were made. 3. There are a number of important announcements in the bulletin. 4. Here is the number of milk shakes you requested. Can you please answer directly the different meaning between a number and the number? It will help a lot on my English assignment.

what would the phrase "twice the difference of a number and 5" look...

Twice the difference of n and 3 gives 76. Actually, the question is looking for twice the difference, not twice the number, soClick here to see ALL problems on Numbers Word Problems. You can put this solution on YOUR website! Let x represent the unknown number. .Difference of both numbers is 5 ;that is, x - y = 5…(2). Solving for x by substracting y from both sides of the equation 1 (x + y - y = 29 - y) and adding y Let name the two numbers x&y. The sum x+y=29 and the difference y-x=5. From the two equations you form a simultaneous equation x+y=29,y-x=5 of...The difference of twice a number and five. The absolute value of the sum of 4 and 5.

what would the phrase "twice the difference of a number and 5" look...

Twice A Number N - twice 2020

If the larger number is 5 less than twice the smaller number, then the product of two numbers is"difference" means subtract. "twice a number" can be written as 2N. "is" means equals or =. ND's "difference" 2N-8 implies that 2N is greater than 8. Then, if the algebra says that N=-4, (producing a "difference" of -16), we have a contradiction, meaning that there is no N such that 2N>8 meeting the...If one number is 5 less than twice the other,find the two numbers. Sushruta7 Sushruta7. Let the numbers be x (smaller) and y (larger). According to the problemthe number has to belong to the set of whole numbers {0, 1, 2, 3, 4,} and. it has to be greater than 5. Putting these two ideas together we get Twice the difference of y and 6 is not equal to the reciprocal of 1/5. Answer: Twice translates as 2 times and difference is the same as subtraction.Amount and number are two such words. Continue reading to discover the difference between them, and to find out whether you should use number or In this article, I will compare amount vs. number and their uses. I will use each word in an example sentence to illustrate its proper meaning and context.

Lee C.

requested • 10/27/17

Can somebody plz help me. Can you translate the sentence into an equation. Thank you sm

2 Answers By Expert Tutors


Carol H. spoke back • 10/27/17


4.9 (285)

(*5*) Mathematics Tutor w/ Master's Degree in Math

Let x = the number

2x - 5 = 9

2x = 14

x = 7

John M. replied • 10/27/17


New to Wyzant

High School and College Science Tutor

Actually, the question is on the lookout for twice the difference, not twice the number, so:

Let x = the number

2(x-5) = 9

2x - 10 = 9

2x = 19

x = 9.5

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