The main argument in support of the decision to use the atomic bomb is that it saved American lives which would otherwise have been lost in two D-Day-style land invasions of the main islands of the Japanese homeland. The first, against the Southern island of Kyushu, had been scheduled for November 1 (Operation Torch).In recent years historians and policy analysts have questioned President Truman's decision to use the atomic bomb against Japan. For President Truman, the decision was a clear-cut one. In 1945, America was weary of war. Japan was a hated enemy. The nation feared the cost of invading the Japanese mainland.The atomic bombs helped Emperor Hirohito realise the futility of trying to defend the home islands. Furthermore, all other viable scenarios, such as an invasion, would have resulted in much higher casualties for both the allies and Japan. If such an invasion was to occur, it "would cost 250,000 American lives" (Jason Hook, 2002).Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and several other cities had been spared from B-29 raids and therefore offered good atomic-bomb targets. But Truman had no need to use the atomic bomb, and he did not have toSupporters of the bombings generally believe that they prevented an invasion of the Japanese mainland, saving more lives than they took by doing so. Opponents contend, among other arguments, that the bombings were unnecessary to win the war or that they constituted a war crime or genocide.
Decision to Drop the Bomb | Harry S. Truman
The decision to use the atomic bomb sealed the fate of the Japanese empire and brought World War II to an end 50 years ago. about the use of the bomb because he believed that it was ''noUsing the atomic bomb on Japan was the fastest way to produce a victory with the lowest cost in American lives. By J. Samuel Walker , Contributor May 27, 2016 By J. Samuel Walker , Contributor MaySupporters of using the atomic bomb at the end of World War II believed that Americans were tired of war and the US should end it quickly. Supporters of using the atomic bomb against Japan at the end of World War II thought an invasion would cost too many American lives.Supporters of using the atomic bomb against Japan believed it would save American lives. end the war in Europe. improve relations with China. improve relations with Russia.

Reasons For The Atomic Bomb - 1181 Words | Cram
Which of the following events led to the Warring States period in China? A. Feudal lords began to fight against each other for power. B. The capital was moved to Luoyang. C. The emperor became corrupt and immoral. D. The Huns started to invade the eastern part of the kingdom.Supporters of President Truman's decision to use atomic weapons against Japan tend to paint the decision as a difficult choice between two stark options—it was either American boys, or the bomb.No Choice: Why Harry Truman Dropped the Atomic Bomb on Japan. Critics of the decision to use the "special bomb" in 1945 are judging men born in the 19th century by the standards of the 21st.In 1945, Americans overwhelmingly supported the use of the bomb; seventy years later, that number is now a bare majority (some polls suggest less), with support for Truman's decision concentrated...Because of this there were two sides: one side was for using the atomic bomb and the other against using the atomic bomb. The ultimate reason for using the atomic bomb was to save U.S. soldiers lives from invading Japan by land. Japan had a very strong military and many were concerned there would be many U.S. casualties.
U.S. Atomic Bomb | Should the U.S. have used the atomic ...

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